Additional Key Words and Phrases: ambiguity, context free, grammar, language, graph
Selected references
- Seymour Ginsburg and Sheila A. Greibach. Mappings which preserve context sensitive languages. Information and Control, 9(6):563-582, December 1966.
- Seymour Ginsburg and G. F. Rose. Operations which preserve definability in languages. Journal of the ACM, 10(2):175-195, April 1963.
- Seymour Ginsburg and Joseph Ullian. Preservation of unambiguity and inherent ambiguity in context-free languages. Journal of the ACM, 13(3):364-368, July 1966.
- Sheila A. Greibach. A new normal-form theorem for context-free phrase structure grammars. Journal of the ACM, 12(1):42-52, January 1965.
- Thomas V. Griffiths. Turing machine recognizers for general rewriting systems. In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Switching Circuit Theory and Logical Design, pages 47-56, Princeton, New Jersey, 11-13 November 1964. IEEE.
- Thomas N. Hibbard. A generalization of context-free determinism. Information and Control, 11(1/2):196-238, July-August 1967.
- Jacques Loeckx. The parsing for general phrase-structure grammars. Information and Control, 16(5):443-464, July 1970.