The ACM Computing Classification System [1991 version]

Valid in 1995

The full CR classification scheme involves three concepts (described more fully in the Introduction): general terms, implicit subject descriptors, and the four-level tree (containing three numbered levels and a fourth unnumbered level).

General Terms

These apply to any elements of the tree that are relevant.

Implicit Subject Descriptors

Names of languages of systems may be used under appropriate nodes, e.g., Pascal under D.3.2 (Language Classifications) or VM under D.4.0 (Operating Systems -- General).

Top Two Levels of the ACM Computing Classification System (1991)

Full Tree with Subject Descriptors

The full CR classification tree is available as a hypertext document, as a single document, or as an ascii file. (An asterisk (*) next to a subject descriptor indicates that the classification is no longer be used as of January 1991, but that the item is still searchable for previously classified documents.)

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